The Portuguese voyages to the spice Islands, which brought the question of Java to the fore. 葡萄牙人航抵香料群岛,使爪哇问题突出起来。
They established a trade monopoly on the Spice Islands by force of arms. 他们凭借武力在香料群岛上确立了贸易垄断。
Magellan planned to approach the Indies from the Spanish side, to prove that the highly prized Spice Islands lay in Spain's half of the newly discovered world. 麦哲伦计划从西班牙出发抵达西印度,以证明颇有价值的香料群岛位于西班牙新大陆区域内。
India and the magical Spice Islands of the East were famed at the time for their gold, pearls, gems, and silk-a source of untold riches. 印度和东方神奇的香料岛屿当时以黄金、珍珠、珠宝和“软黄金”丝绸闻名于西方。
The late 16th century, the Dutch followed the Portuguese and the British came to the Spice Islands of Southeast Asia. 16世纪末,荷兰人步葡萄牙人、英国人的后尘来到东南亚的香料群岛。